Badge Creation

Badge Backing Cards

If you have something to say, why not present your badge on beautifully printed and crafted card, with your logo, message, social media info, QR or barcode. There are no restrictions on size or print area; you can print one side, both sides, make a 4-page card, print on recycled paper, etc. The sky’s the limit with this!

Badge backing cards are a fantastic and economical way of making a big deal out of your badge, so why not shout about your campaign, activation, new product, launch, event, or company by giving the recipient a little bit extra to read about before they proudly wear your creation.

Please contact us for prices.

Need some help?

We’re a family-run business, we're happy to give advice, and we’ll be delighted to take your call!

Get in touch - 0333 014 5783